domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009

"TECHNO PURISTS MAY GO KISS MY ARSE" e outras lições de vida que aprendi com o Holden

Para encerrar o capítulo do Holden, faço aqui uma selecção de coisas que ele disse em várias entrevistas e que li em reviews e fóruns por toda a net.

É a vida segundo Holden.

- Enviou, em 1998, uma demo ao Richie Hawtin. Foi rejeitado (se eu fosse o Hawtin, agora dava voltas e voltas na cama...)

Acerca do Minimal...

- Minimal has no meaning. It's progressive with a few new plug-ins!

Acerca dos puritanos da música electrónica...

- The purists can go kiss my arse. It's moronic. To be a techno purist is just to not really understand what music is. It's that kind of boy geek mentality of writing it all down on a clipboard while Digweed is playing it or something.

Acerca de passar a vida nas compras...

- More and more as I get older I'm discovering now that I'm more open-minded and realising I could go record shopping every day for the rest of my life

Acerca do futuro...

- I don't know long term, God knows, apart from my retirement at thirty (wtf??)

Acerca de ter objectivos...

- I don't think aiming for a result is really the way to achieve anything

- Adora queijo. Como tal, aliando as suas duas paixões, organizou uma festa em colaboração com um restaurante onde não faltou som e cujo tema era... o fondue. Nome da festa: Fun Do.

I didn’t actually get to eat much of the fondue though, which was a bit disappointing

Acerca de Ibiza...

- I’m not going at all, which I’m quite happy about. Ibiza has never been my kind of place (...) in Ibiza they’re just coming to see you because you happen to be playing the week they’re on holiday

Acerca do free software de produção de música...

- The change in dance music is that now everyone has a laptop and everyone can get a cracked copy of Ableton, so suddenly everyone is making what I call ‘Ableton techno’, and you get all these pedestrian records that just use the default sounds

Acerca de como descreveria a música da Border Community a um alien...

- Actually it’s pretty easy to describe it to aliens or to someone who has lived in a cave for a few years – I’d just say warm, human, melodic and free spirited

[Quando o entrevistador disse "os aliens haviam de adorar a vossa música", Holden responde: Maybe, we’d better ask Tom Cruise!]

... e como descreveu a sua numa entrevista no YouTube

- Fuzzy, warm and personal

- Gostos musicais: Animal Collective, Queen, Suicide, Judas Priest, Beach Boys e Harmonia estão entre os citados.

A namorada comprova que os idiotas estão a ganhar...

- I might be able to play records that are ok, but I'm an idiot for the rest of the time (laughs) She [a namorada] tells me that!

Acerca de haver um remix da Nothing chamado "93 Returning Mix"...

- When I finished the mix, I realized it kinda reminded me of the 1993, Paul Oakenfold, goa trance kinda stuff I used to be into, when I was very young (laughs). And so I thought - Fuck it - 93 Returning Mix! There's also a graffiti in London that says: "39 returning" or something...

E quanto tempo demora a produzir uma faixa?

- It depends. I don't know... Sometimes I do it very, very quickly, like in two days. But then - "Break In The Clouds" - I spent two days doing edits on the first two minutes.

- Em 2003, tinha dois hamsters: Timo e George (O Timo morreu nesse ano)

Acerca de admirar pessoas...

- There's no reason to look up at any person, we're all just animals

Acerca de misturar Britney [Breathe on me (James Holden Vocal Mix)]...

- I had a couple of emails from angry geeks saying ‘i cant believe you’ve sold out, pop is so evil etc etc’ and that makes me laugh – there are so many things more important in the world than disliking Britney Spears, and in the end, remixing her is an interesting challenge. And my mum knows who she is too!

- Houve pessoal no fórum Tranceaddict que insinuou que o Holden parecia um hobbit, chegando mesmo um membro a questionar-se: "I wonder if he's ever had a gay thing for another hobbit looking fellow named samwise gamgee, or ever destroyed an all corrupting evil ring of power?"

Acerca dos bedroom producers...

- Struggling to get known isn’t the point, making great music is the point. I still believe if you do that then you don’t have to try hard, self-promote or whatever. But I think it is harder now – so many people can download reason or whatever and make pc-prog without much effort that it’s harder to get anywhere without making something special and unique. So that’s the thing to do.. Getting a record released is a case of getting your music to exactly the person who is looking for the kind of music you’ve made – at BC we get hundreds of really proggy 1-note demos, but how many 1-note prog records have we put out? none – so those people all wasted a CD and an envelope and a stamp..

Uma filosofia de vida...

- I really believe in being nice to animals, they are mostly better than people

Um pouco mais de Holden pá veia?






4 comentários:

  1. Em resumo , um tass bem que so quer viver a vida dele :P.Devia haver mais peopel tass bem , pena o mundo ser feito de stressados como o Fred ou palhaços que conhecia durante o meu periodo pre escolar, hehe ^^.

  2. Holden neste momento parece-me ser o rei do universo...hmmmmmmm

  3. Este gajo se fala mal do Dave Clarke, vou a casa dele e fodo-lhe a puta da beiça toda :P
    Agr falando a serio, obviamente ninguem dá valor a alguem que seja fanatico por um estilo de musica ou clube de futebol, eu love techno mas tb nao sou fanatico do techno gosto de tudo que tenha musica como titulo e que seja bom aos meus oubidos oube laum, por isso menino chaval puto holden nao me estas a dar novidade nenhuma, vai la fumar a tua broca e deixa de ser drunfas

    Ps: holden yo r a kool bro but if I catch yo on da streets yo gone fool
